Switchboard Problem



I created a Switchboard form & set the properties to hide
toolbars & menu bars. You guessed it; now I can't get
back in to make changes to the database! How do I get my
menus back so I can continue working on my database?

Thanks in advance & Happy New Year!


Arvin Meyer

markmidwest said:
I created a Switchboard form & set the properties to hide
toolbars & menu bars. You guessed it; now I can't get
back in to make changes to the database! How do I get my
menus back so I can continue working on my database?

Function ShowMenu()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.ShowToolBar "Menu Bar", acToolbarYes
End Function
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:


I'm sorry; I don't understand where I would put those
commands or how they work. If possible could you please

Thank you

Dylan K

Hi. I had a similar problem myself and was advised to Hold Down the Shift
key when opening the application. It worked well for me. I hope this is of
some help to you.


Works great! Thank you!!!
-----Original Message-----
Hi. I had a similar problem myself and was advised to Hold Down the Shift
key when opening the application. It worked well for me. I hope this is of
some help to you.


Arvin Meyer

You can put that code in a Standard Module and save it to a name like
"basUtilities" Then stick a button on a form and call it from the button's
Click Event like:

= ShowMenu()

If you've set up your app correctly, you will have also locked out special
keys or used the custom AllowByPassKey to disable the Shift key action as
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Linda I

Thank you so much for this priceless suggestion. I
renamed my switchboard table and the db would not show on
the screen. Holding down Shift while opening the db
worked the first time. Thank you so much!
Linda I

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