Hi Shelly,
I've been following your other posts on this issue.
The answer to your question will depend upon who you ask. If you ask 10 real Access experts I'm sure
all 10 would say do not use the Switchboard Wizard (SBM). If you ask beginners and novices I'm sure
you will get mixed responses. Some will say it works just fine for setting up a quick main menu
while others prefer to build their own main form.
The *best* answer I think to your question is this: If you start to require more complexity and/or
need more control over the main form's functions, then it is time to move past the SBM and create
your own main form/menu system. The SBM is good for the things it can do, but you are 'stuck' with
its limitations. I'm a little biased on this subject because I have designed something a little
'better' than the SBM, but I think my answer is still valid.
For your OpenArgs problem Dan was providing you advice so I stepped back. What Dan probably did not
catch was the fact you are using the SBM and that DOES make a difference with your requirement. Ken
has provided code that you can use to accomplish your goal whether or not use the SBM. If, however,
you still want to use the SBM you will need to write a public sub to open the specific form and use
the "Run Code" option on the Switchboard instead of using the "Open Form" option. Follow me? If you
still wish to use the SBM for this purpose, post back and I'll try and walk you through the