Hi Meredith,
Comments inline....
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you... I looked at both of our
macro security levels. We are both at Medium. Should I move this to low?
If you were both having the same problem this would lead me to believe
that the macro security level could be interferring. However, you are
both at the same level and yet your Switchboard works just fine.
Humor me though. Change her level to Low temporarily.
Does it work now or not?
I also checked the references. I have one additional checked that I believe
I added in a long time ago which is Microsoft Calendar Control 11.0. I do
not believe I actually used this for anything, but was trying to get a pop-up
calendar of some type working. I could not find this on her list, but didn't
see anything "missing" either. I removed the check from mine, but I'm not
sure what difference that will make. I'm getting into a hazy area for me
with the references. I don't understand them very well. I'll list what we
have checked just in case:
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library
OLE Animation
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library
Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library
(Only on mine and now removed) Microsoft Calendar Contol 11.0
That all looks pretty good. The swithboard code you posted is using
ADO code, but you do have that reference checked. You also have
DAO checked, but the Switchboard code is properly declaring
everything so I do not see anything immediately wrong here.
One thing to try on her machine. Uncheck this one:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
Then close the References box.
Open it back up and find this one and check it:
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library
(On a new database in 2003 that is the default I get)
Make sure the priority is below the DAO one.
Compile the code.
Does it work on her machine now?
Just so you know, I tried recreating the entire switchboard yesterday. I
removed the old one completely and had Access prompt me to make a new one. I
re-entered everything. The same problem is occuring.
Humm...but it only fails on her machine, correct?
I am including the FillOptions code. There is one part that has me a little
confused. The SetFocus portion says " Set the focus to the first button on
the form and then hide all of the buttons on the form but the first. You
can't hide the field with the focus." This is precisely the problem we are
having on hers. She can only see the first button. Unfortunately, my coding
abilities are limited so I may not be deciphering it properly.
While "technically" that is correct, I do not believe the code is the root of the
problem here.
One last thing... I have tried copying the database to two comletely
different systems, and they are able to see the switchboard with no problems.
This tells me that it's something specific to my users system. But I just
have no idea what it could be.
Most pecuilar.
Sorry to bombard with so much info. I hope this helps give a better picture
of what's going on here. Thanks so much for your help!
A couple of things to try. Please post back with the results.
1. Create a new database. Import just the Switchboard items table
and form from the main database file into this new container. Compile
the code and then Compact. Reopen and see if you can see all the various
menu buttons on your machine. Don't worry about clicking options
that open forms/reports, etc. I just want to know if you see all the options.
Now copy that small file onto her machine. Can you see all the options
on her machine?
2. Take the main database file (MDB one) from your machine and place
on her machine. Delete the Switchboard Items table and form from this
database. Compact the database. Now use the Switchboard wizard
to create a new table and form in her database on HER machine.
Can you see all the options on the form now?
Let me know.