I Have used the switchboard manager to create a
switchboard for my database. One of the items on my
switchboard is Exit this database and the only command
available to select was Exit Application which closes the
active database.
Would there be any where in the code that I can change
this to exit access not just the current database.
In design form of the switchboard form under OnOpen there
is alot of code that has been generated from the
switchboard manager. Could I change the following code
' Exit the application.
Case conCmdExitApplication
Or would it be somewhere else that I could change the code.
I Have used the switchboard manager to create a
switchboard for my database. One of the items on my
switchboard is Exit this database and the only command
available to select was Exit Application which closes the
active database.
Would there be any where in the code that I can change
this to exit access not just the current database.
In design form of the switchboard form under OnOpen there
is alot of code that has been generated from the
switchboard manager. Could I change the following code
' Exit the application.
Case conCmdExitApplication
Or would it be somewhere else that I could change the code.