Hi Jeff,
This is what is driving me crazy. It worked when I first created it and then
I reopened the database and it suddenly stopped. I have deleted and
recreated not only the button, but the entire switchboard. I did just as
you stated and it still is not working. Here is the new table information.
Which part exactly is not working?
SwitchboardID ItemNumber ItemText Command Argument
5 0 Main Menu 0 Default
5 1 System Setup 7 MCR_Clear_and_update_SYS_SETUP_INFO
5 2 Employee Data Wage Entry 3 FRM_Employee_Data_Wage_Entry
5 3 Unemployment and Worker's Compensation Data
Entry 3 FRM_UE_and_WC_Reporting_Sys_Quarter
5 4 Exit 6
5 5 Report Processing 1 6
6 0 Reports 0
6 1 Mail Received 4 RPT_Mailed_Received
6 2 Unemployment and Workers Compensation Reporting 1 7
7 0 UE and WC Reporting 0
7 1 Unemployment Premium Notice 4 RPT_UE_Insurance_Premium_Notice
7 2 Unemployment Payroll Summary 4 RPT_UE_Payroll_Summary
7 3 Unemployment Premium Summary 4 RPT_UE_Premium_Summary
All the buttons work fine in my test database. I have no 'dead' buttons.
Which one is not working for you?
Could something be wrong in the references? I am at a loss, especially
since it works for you.
Most perplexing to be sure.
I do not believe this is a References issue, but it would not hurt to check
the References dialog box to see if anything is marked as 'Missing.' What
is most odd is that everything else seems to be working fine for you.
Here are some things I would try:
1. Compact the database and then test. Problem solved?
2. Compile the database and then compact the database. Problem solved?
3. Create a new blank database and import ONLY the Switchboard Items
table and form into this new container. Now open the form and test every
button. Yes, you will get an error message for every button that needs to
open a form, run a macro, or opens a report. But what I *really* want to
know is DO you get that error for EVERY button except the ones that
take you to other menus? And do the buttons that take you to other menus
work as well or are you still seeing the same problems? If so, what problems
exactly do you see?
4. You may want to create a new blank database and import all the objects,
relationships, toolbars, and data EXCEPT the switchboard items table and
form. In this new container, re-run the wizard to create a new switchboard
table and form. Start by adding one and ONLY item to the wizard at a time.
Test each new item you add to see if it works before moving on to the next
one. If something stops working, at one point does it stop working?
Well I haven't helped much so far, but you are welcome.