Switchboard command button used to select employee data

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I am writing a switchboard with the command button "Select Employee" and I
want to create a macro to allow the user to select all records for that
employee in a previously selected "Between Two Dates" set of records. Can
someone help me with this? Everything I have tried has not worked; I get an
error message that says the form in which I have these is not available to
the database.

Thank you in advance for any help.

all records for that employee in a previously selected "Between Two Dates"
set of records
You do know that a form must be open to use it as criteria.
If you are able to acheive this selection of records between to dates
manually then it should be easy to do the same by macro. Explain how you are
obtaining these select records then do they appear in query form, report form
or how? If you haven't completed this task then it needs to be done first.
Explain what you've done so far. Then I can try to help with the macro and
switchboard form.