Switchboard and TreeView

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I would like some information as to how I can get the following to happen. I
have a database where I have the table Switchboard Items (created using the
Switchboard Manager in Access). I would like to create a new Switchboard
form using the treeview control, and having it point to this table.
Basically I want my Switchboard to be in Treeview mode. Then I would like
to have also included in this Switchboard form a subform that would basically
show the form/report that was click in the treeview switchboard. Is this
something that can be easily done, and also if you have any information as to
what steps I need to take to get this done. Any information or materials
that you would have in helping me learn how to do this would be greatly
I would like some information as to how I can get the following to happen. I
have a database where I have the table Switchboard Items (created using the
Switchboard Manager in Access). I would like to create a new Switchboard
form using the treeview control, and having it point to this table.
Basically I want my Switchboard to be in Treeview mode. Then I would like
to have also included in this Switchboard form a subform that would basically
show the form/report that was click in the treeview switchboard. Is this
something that can be easily done, and also if you have any information as to
what steps I need to take to get this done.

It can be done, but it's not a drag-and-drop operation. You can't "point" a treeview at a table and have it populate;
you'd instead need to open a recordset and then build your tree nodes based on that recordset, then use the NodeClick
event of the treeview to respond to user actions.

I have a sample on my site that shows how to use the Treeview:


Scott McDaniel
Hi Scott,

Thanks for your reply. I was able to get a treeview working and getting my
switchboard to being in TreeView format. I would now like to add some code
so that when the user chooses an option on the switchboard (such as opening a
form) that this form opens as a subform as part of the switchboard form.

Any idea how to go about doing that?


Hi Scott,

Thanks for your reply. I was able to get a treeview working and getting my
switchboard to being in TreeView format. I would now like to add some code
so that when the user chooses an option on the switchboard (such as opening a
form) that this form opens as a subform as part of the switchboard form.

Any idea how to go about doing that?

The treeview's NodeClick can be used to catch the user interaction. Add a subform control to your switchboard form, then
set the .SourceObject of that control based on what the user clicks:

Private Sub TreeView3_NodeClick(ByVal Node As Object)

Dim nod As Node

Set nod = Node
Me.MySubformControl.SourceObject = nod.Key

End Sub

This assumes that you've stored the name of the form to use as the Subform in the treeview, in the node's Key property.
If you use another method you'd have to change this code to reflect that.

Scott McDaniel
Hi Scott,

This is the code I have. I added u're part at the beginning of the code,
after the dim statements. However, this is not working, the forms are still
opening seperately. Any idea? I'm looking at the code some more, buit if
you have any ideas or input before I can find my answer, please let me know.

Private Sub tvw_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
'.Purpose : To handle the user clicking a node, which means that node
'. holds the command we are going to run
'.Author : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date : 29-Nov-2002
'.Calls :
'.Inputs :
'.Output :
'.Revised : 29-Nov-2002 - Original

Const cstrProcName As String = "tvw_NodeClick"
Dim aryPairs() As String
Dim aryElements() As String
Dim varArgument As Variant
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim sbcCommand As SBCommands
Dim nod As Node

Set nod = Node
Me.mysubformcontrol.SourceObject = nod.Key

On Error GoTo tvw_NodeClick_Error

'Split Node tag into pairs
aryPairs = Split(Node.Tag, ";")
'Loop through pairs to get elements
For lngLoop = LBound(aryPairs) To UBound(aryPairs)
aryElements = Split(aryPairs(lngLoop), "=")
'See which pair it is
Select Case aryElements(0)
Case "Command"
'This is the command that will be run
sbcCommand = aryElements(1)
Case "Argument"
'This is the argument of the command
varArgument = aryElements(1)
End Select

'Now Run the Command
Select Case sbcCommand
Case sbeOpenSwitchboard
'Expand or Collapse Switchboard Node
Node.Expanded = Not Node.Expanded
Case sbeOpenForminAddMode
'Open form in Add Mode
DoCmd.OpenForm varArgument, , , , acFormAdd
Case sbeOpenForminEditMode
'Open Form in Edit Mode
DoCmd.OpenForm varArgument, , , , acFormEdit
Case sbePreviewReport
'Preview report
DoCmd.OpenReport varArgument, acViewPreview
Case sbeCustomizeSwitchboard
'Run Treeview Switchboard Wizard
Application.Run "SBWizard.tvwsbWizard_Entry"
'Refill treeview
Case sbeExitApplication
'Exit Application
Case sbeRunMacro
'Run Macro
DoCmd.RunMacro varArgument
Case sbeRunCode
'Run Code
Application.Run varArgument
Case sbeOpenDataAccessPage
'Open DAP
DoCmd.OpenDataAccessPage varArgument
End Select

'Exit here

Exit Sub
'Error Handler

Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501, 2102
'2501 - Report opening was cancelled
'2102 - Unable to Open Form
' MsgBox "The command you selected was cancelled", _
vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Command Cancelled"
Case 2517 ' Switchboard Wizard not installed
MsgBox " This command is unavailable at the moment.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error running command"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error executing Switchboard command " & _
vbCrLf & "Error #:" & Err.Number & _
vbCrLf & "Description: " & Err.Description, _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Error executing Command"
End Select
Resume Next
'For Debugging

End Sub


Jean-Francois Gauthier
Hi Scott,

This is the code I have. I added u're part at the beginning of the code,
after the dim statements. However, this is not working, the forms are still
opening seperately. Any idea? I'm looking at the code some more, buit if
you have any ideas or input before I can find my answer, please let me know.

The code I supplied was just an example, and it was assuming that you were using the Key property of the Node to store
the form's name ... from the looks of your code, you are storing an "argument:value" pair in the Tag property of the
node ... if that's the case, then assuming you store the correct argument:value pair, the Select case in your code below
will work.

Can you post the code where you actually fill the tree?
Private Sub tvw_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
'.Purpose : To handle the user clicking a node, which means that node
'. holds the command we are going to run
'.Author : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date : 29-Nov-2002
'.Calls :
'.Inputs :
'.Output :
'.Revised : 29-Nov-2002 - Original

Const cstrProcName As String = "tvw_NodeClick"
Dim aryPairs() As String
Dim aryElements() As String
Dim varArgument As Variant
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim sbcCommand As SBCommands
Dim nod As Node

Set nod = Node
Me.mysubformcontrol.SourceObject = nod.Key

On Error GoTo tvw_NodeClick_Error

'Split Node tag into pairs
aryPairs = Split(Node.Tag, ";")
'Loop through pairs to get elements
For lngLoop = LBound(aryPairs) To UBound(aryPairs)
aryElements = Split(aryPairs(lngLoop), "=")
'See which pair it is
Select Case aryElements(0)
Case "Command"
'This is the command that will be run
sbcCommand = aryElements(1)
Case "Argument"
'This is the argument of the command
varArgument = aryElements(1)
End Select

'Now Run the Command
Select Case sbcCommand
Case sbeOpenSwitchboard
'Expand or Collapse Switchboard Node
Node.Expanded = Not Node.Expanded
Case sbeOpenForminAddMode
'Open form in Add Mode
DoCmd.OpenForm varArgument, , , , acFormAdd
Case sbeOpenForminEditMode
'Open Form in Edit Mode
DoCmd.OpenForm varArgument, , , , acFormEdit
Case sbePreviewReport
'Preview report
DoCmd.OpenReport varArgument, acViewPreview
Case sbeCustomizeSwitchboard
'Run Treeview Switchboard Wizard
Application.Run "SBWizard.tvwsbWizard_Entry"
'Refill treeview
Case sbeExitApplication
'Exit Application
Case sbeRunMacro
'Run Macro
DoCmd.RunMacro varArgument
Case sbeRunCode
'Run Code
Application.Run varArgument
Case sbeOpenDataAccessPage
'Open DAP
DoCmd.OpenDataAccessPage varArgument
End Select

'Exit here

Exit Sub
'Error Handler

Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501, 2102
'2501 - Report opening was cancelled
'2102 - Unable to Open Form
' MsgBox "The command you selected was cancelled", _
vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Command Cancelled"
Case 2517 ' Switchboard Wizard not installed
MsgBox " This command is unavailable at the moment.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error running command"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error executing Switchboard command " & _
vbCrLf & "Error #:" & Err.Number & _
vbCrLf & "Description: " & Err.Description, _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Error executing Command"
End Select
Resume Next
'For Debugging

End Sub

Scott McDaniel
Here is all the code I have in the switchboard form including the subform.

'.Copyright : ©Bryan Carbonnell 2002 All rights reserved.
' DO NOT DELETE THE COMMENTS ABOVE. All other comments in this module
' may be deleted from production code, but lines above must remain.
'.Written By : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date Created : 29-Oct-2002
'.Rev. History :
'.Comments :
'*+ Module constant declaration

'Change the following Constant's value to change the
' title of the Switchbaord
Private Const cstrSWITCHBOARDTITLE As String = "Switchboard"
'Change this constant if you change the table name that holds the
' Switchboard items
Private Const mstrTableName As String = "twzSwitchboardItems"

Private Const cstrModuleName As String = "Form_frmSwitchboard"
Private Enum SBCommands
sbeOpenSwitchboard = 1
sbeOpenForminAddMode = 2
sbeOpenForminEditMode = 3
sbePreviewReport = 4
sbeCustomizeSwitchboard = 5
sbeExitApplication = 6
sbeRunMacro = 7
sbeRunCode = 8
sbeOpenDataAccessPage = 9
End Enum
'*- Module constants declaration
'*+ Module variables declaration
Private WithEvents tvw As TreeView
'*- Module variables declarations
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'.Purpose : To Handle the openeing of the Switchboard Form
'.Author : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date : 29-Nov-2002
'.Calls :
'.Revised : 29-Nov-2002 - Original
Const cstrProcName As String = "Form_Open"

'Set a reference to the Treeview control
Set tvw = tvwSwitchboard.Object
'Restore Form
'Fill Treeview with switchboard items
End Sub

Private Sub fFillTreeView()
'.Purpose : To (re)Fill the treeview with top level nodes
'.Author : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date : 29-Nov-2002
'.Called by : Form_Open, tvw_NodeClick
'.Calls : fFillChildren
'.Revised : 29-Nov-2002 - Original

Const cstrProcName As String = "fFillTreeView"
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim nd As Node

'Clear Treeview nodes

'Build SQL to get Enabled Root Level Items
strSQL = "Select * FROM " & mstrTableName & _
" WHERE SwitchboardID=1" & _
" AND ItemNumber<>0" & _
" AND Enabled=True" & _
" ORDER BY ItemNumber"
'Open the Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(strSQL)
'Loop Through and build the nodes
Do While Not (rst.EOF)
'Create the Node
Set nd = tvw.Nodes.Add(, , , rst!ItemText)
'Build Node Tag
nd.Tag = "Command=" & rst!Command & ";Argument=" & rst!Argument
'nd.Tag = fBuildTag(rst)
'Check to see if we have an Open Switchboard Item
If rst!Command = sbeOpenSwitchboard Then
'This is an Open SB so we need to fill the children
sFillChildren nd
End If
'Move to next record

'Close and release
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub sFillChildren(nd As Node)
'.Purpose : To Fill any children nodes
'.Author : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date : 29-Nov-2002
'.Called by : fFillTreeView, fFillChildren (recursive)
'.Calls :
'.Inputs : nd - Node - Parent node of these children
'.Revised : 29-Nov-2002 - Original

Const cstrProcName As String = "sFillChildren"
Dim aryPairs() As String
Dim arySplit() As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim lngArgument As Integer
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim ndNew As Node

'Split tag into pairs
aryPairs = Split(nd.Tag, ";")
'Loop through split to get SwitchboardID that this node
' opens, which is the Argument
For lngLoop = LBound(aryPairs) To UBound(aryPairs)
'Now split each
arySplit = Split(aryPairs(lngLoop), "=")
If arySplit(0) = "Argument" Then
'Get the Argument Value, which is the SB to Open
lngArgument = Val(arySplit(1))
Exit For
End If

'Build SQL to select all the items in the Switchboard
' but not the 0 record, which is just info about the
' switchboard
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & mstrTableName & _
" WHERE SwitchboardID=" & lngArgument & _
" AND ItemNumber<>0" & _
" AND Enabled=True"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
'Loop through reordset to add new tags
Do While Not (rst.EOF)
'Add New Node
Set ndNew = tvw.Nodes.Add(nd, tvwChild, , rst!ItemText)
'Build Node Tag
ndNew.Tag = "Command=" & rst!Command & ";Argument=" & rst!Argument
'Check and see if we just added an Open Switchboard
If rst!Command = sbeOpenSwitchboard Then
'We did, so add children
sFillChildren ndNew
End If
'Move to next record

End Sub

Private Sub tvw_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
'.Purpose : To handle the user clicking a node, which means that node
'. holds the command we are going to run
'.Author : Bryan Carbonnell
'.Date : 29-Nov-2002
'.Calls :
'.Inputs :
'.Output :
'.Revised : 29-Nov-2002 - Original

Const cstrProcName As String = "tvw_NodeClick"
Dim aryPairs() As String
Dim aryElements() As String
Dim varArgument As Variant
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim sbcCommand As SBCommands

On Error GoTo tvw_NodeClick_Error

'Split Node tag into pairs
aryPairs = Split(Node.Tag, ";")
'Loop through pairs to get elements
For lngLoop = LBound(aryPairs) To UBound(aryPairs)
aryElements = Split(aryPairs(lngLoop), "=")
'See which pair it is
Select Case aryElements(0)
Case "Command"
'This is the command that will be run
sbcCommand = aryElements(1)
Case "Argument"
'This is the argument of the command
varArgument = aryElements(1)
End Select

Dim nod As Node

Set nod = Node
Me.mysubformcontrol.SourceObject = nod.Key

'Now Run the Command
Select Case sbcCommand
Case sbeOpenSwitchboard
'Expand or Collapse Switchboard Node
Node.Expanded = Not Node.Expanded
Case sbeOpenForminAddMode
'Open form in Add Mode
DoCmd.OpenForm varArgument, , , , acFormAdd
Case sbeOpenForminEditMode
'Open Form in Edit Mode
DoCmd.OpenForm varArgument, , , , acFormEdit
Case sbePreviewReport
'Preview report
DoCmd.OpenReport varArgument, acViewPreview
Case sbeCustomizeSwitchboard
'Run Treeview Switchboard Wizard
Application.Run "SBWizard.tvwsbWizard_Entry"
'Refill treeview
Case sbeExitApplication
'Exit Application
Case sbeRunMacro
'Run Macro
DoCmd.RunMacro varArgument
Case sbeRunCode
'Run Code
Application.Run varArgument
Case sbeOpenDataAccessPage
'Open DAP
DoCmd.OpenDataAccessPage varArgument
End Select

'Exit here

Exit Sub
'Error Handler

Select Case Err.Number
Case 2501, 2102
'2501 - Report opening was cancelled
'2102 - Unable to Open Form
' MsgBox "The command you selected was cancelled", _
vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Command Cancelled"
Case 2517 ' Switchboard Wizard not installed
MsgBox " This command is unavailable at the moment.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Error running command"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error executing Switchboard command " & _
vbCrLf & "Error #:" & Err.Number & _
vbCrLf & "Description: " & Err.Description, _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Error executing Command"
End Select
Resume Next
'For Debugging

End Sub

Hope this helps. Look forward to your reply.
Hi Scott,

I removed all the docmd from the tvw_click sub and replaced it with your
code, only difference being that me.subformcontrol.sourceobject =
varargument. this worked. My forms are loading in the subform as I click
through the switchboard. However the performance is pathetic! Takes more
then a minute if not 30 secs at times to load. I'm wondering if there is not
a more effective and quicker performing code you can suggest.
Hi Scott,

Do you have any ideas? Its working a lot better now, however some forms
take a lot longer to load then others? Perhaps cuz they have more code into
them? Any idea how I can speed things up?

Secondly, I have a form that would act as a subform in my treeview that is
data entry mode (frmemployeeadd). For some reason, when it loads in the
treeview switchboard, no fields show up?

Third, I have another form frmemployeesearch that if I double click on a
record, brings up frmemployeeedit (edit employee information). Is there a
way that I can have this form open as a subform in the treeview as well?

Fourth, do you know how I could have a back and forward button in the
treeview, so that the user can go back to the previous form he/she were using?

Thanks again for your help.