Switch Identity Crashes Outlook Express



After two or three switches between two identities,
Outlook Express dissappears off my screen. Only a reboot
revives it. What gives???


"Ken" said in news:[email protected]:
After two or three switches between two identities,
Outlook Express dissappears off my screen. Only a reboot
revives it. What gives???

This newsgroup is for Outlook, not for Outlook Express. They are not the
same product nor are they derivatives nor siblings of each other (anymore
than Word and WordPerfect are related). Repost your question in a newsgroup
for Outlook Express.

It appears from the headers of your post that you may be using Microsoft's
web interface to its newsgroups. Outlook is a component of the Microsoft
Office family of products. Outlook Express is a component of Internet
Explorer. So look under IE for the newsgroup for OE.

I would suggest to see if msimn.exe is still loaded when its window
disappears. That means the window is gone but OE is still loaded in memory.
So instead of rebooting (to get rid of the remnant msimn.exe process) just
use Task Manager to kill it.


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