I recently developed a website using Publisher. It works and I'm quite happy
with it as my first site, although I've taken a lot of criticism from a few
pros over it's being bloated and inefficient. 2880 long lines of code. But,
as I say, it works, albeit just short of average response time using dialup.
Most of my users don't require more speed.
I don't have a budget for this site and not tons of time to get educated on
some of the new CSS-development areas. This is volunteer work. What I do have
access to is FrontPage and therefore my question is: am I going to gain
anything much by redoing my site in FrontPage?
with it as my first site, although I've taken a lot of criticism from a few
pros over it's being bloated and inefficient. 2880 long lines of code. But,
as I say, it works, albeit just short of average response time using dialup.
Most of my users don't require more speed.
I don't have a budget for this site and not tons of time to get educated on
some of the new CSS-development areas. This is volunteer work. What I do have
access to is FrontPage and therefore my question is: am I going to gain
anything much by redoing my site in FrontPage?