You did not mention how many users you have on your network.
I have worked on a similar problem before and here are my thoughts.
It is good to have two identical print servers - 1 production (primary), 1
backup (secondary).
If your production Print Server goes down then users can switch MANUALLY to
the backup (secondary) print server and install the desired drivers. One of
the Best Practices of network management is that users must be educated to
do certain basic things; otherwise they put an undue burden on help Desk or
Admin. Do not feel badly about forcing users to install printer drivers.
In the long run this lowers the stress on the network Admin folks and
educates the users to be more independent. You may want to consider
preparing an email with the installation instructions demonstrated by
graphics (ALT + PrTSc). If you ever suffer a production/primary breakdown
then this email can be sent to your users as a group.
When I worked this printer project I created a web (HTML) interface. I
pasted all printers into the web interface. To install any printer drivers
users just had to click any of the 50 links. I used IPP,
http://<PrintServerName>/printers , and IIS.
I am not prepared to make life any easier for users. If you want more
project details I can supply same.
In my opinion, clustering 2 print servers is an expensive option. Also, the
added complexity increases the possibility of failure.
* How can DNS be used to facilitate the print server switch over ?
Lets continue this discussion until both parties have resolved all
questions. Thanks in advance.
Andre said:
I have two identical printservers. Sames queues on both servers. All users
print on one printserver. If a printserver goes down, I want to switch users
as fast as possible to the other printserver. I want to do this with the
least possible user action. Servers are W2K, Clients systems are XP.
Clustering is no option. I'm thinking towards DNS or scripts. Any ideas?