I am still getting 5 to 10 Swen messages per hour. They get stopped by
MailWasher and Avast but they are an annoyance. Does anyone think they will
stop? What is the answer to this curse?
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One could say that the answer lies in educating people to protect themselves.
But just as in the case of STD, there is just no helping some people.
The bulk of the blame for the proliferation of virus and Spam can be laid at
the feet of the simplistic SMTP protocol, and software producers like Microsoft
who add all the bells and whistles to their software and try to hide (they call
it protect) the user from all the complexity underneath. You cannot blame an
inexperienced user for blindly forging ahead, when it is made so easy and they
don't have a clue what is happening in the background.
The answer lies in sound and simple software with limited interoperability, but
that goes completely contrary to the Bill Gates vision and the subsequent code
bloat. Why try to block all the holes in the coral fence to prevent the horse
from getting out, when all you really have to do is close the barn door.