Is anyone else experiencing problems updating the Swat It! v 2.1
utility? I've run it successfully on several systems for months. I
installed in on a new PC on Wednesday and updated immediately without
a problem. I checked for more recent updates yesterday but the a
message appears stating: "Update server down. Try later." It's the
same on all my systems.
Is this issue down to the stresses on the server as a result on
W32.Blaster? I note that the full port scan on the Steve Gibson site
is also out of action: https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2
Is anyone else experiencing problems updating the Swat It! v 2.1
utility? I've run it successfully on several systems for months. I
installed in on a new PC on Wednesday and updated immediately without
a problem. I checked for more recent updates yesterday but the a
message appears stating: "Update server down. Try later." It's the
same on all my systems.
Is this issue down to the stresses on the server as a result on
W32.Blaster? I note that the full port scan on the Steve Gibson site
is also out of action: https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?rh1dkyd2