Greetings all.
A friend has bought a new box. (finally)
He wants to give his current machine to his in-laws, as their current P75
540MB is a bit old and full.
Both machines run W98SE, his current is a P450 iirc, with a 4GB drive.
He wants to slave his HD to the new box when it gets here, and would like me
to flop the in-laws 540 to his current box, and add another 2-4GB drive so
they will have a bit of room to work.
Want to keep this as simple as possible as have LOTS of other chores to do
They want to keep all their game shortcuts on the desktop, am wondering if
slaving the 540 will change the paths to the programs and would need to redo
the entire lot. Don't have their software to reload any programs except
their W98 disk
Please recommend best course to take, have an idea, but would like to hear
opinions from others a bit more advanced in tinkering than myself.
A friend has bought a new box. (finally)
He wants to give his current machine to his in-laws, as their current P75
540MB is a bit old and full.
Both machines run W98SE, his current is a P450 iirc, with a 4GB drive.
He wants to slave his HD to the new box when it gets here, and would like me
to flop the in-laws 540 to his current box, and add another 2-4GB drive so
they will have a bit of room to work.
Want to keep this as simple as possible as have LOTS of other chores to do
They want to keep all their game shortcuts on the desktop, am wondering if
slaving the 540 will change the paths to the programs and would need to redo
the entire lot. Don't have their software to reload any programs except
their W98 disk
Please recommend best course to take, have an idea, but would like to hear
opinions from others a bit more advanced in tinkering than myself.