Swap File???



My company is looking at creating a standard build for our 2000 servers. We have been debating on whether or not we should put our swap file on a seperate partition from our Data volume. Our current config looks like this.


we are looking at this now for our config:
D: Data and SWAP

My question is, are there any disadvantages or advantages to leaving the swap file on it on partition?

Servers are configured with RAID 5 and a hotspare. We partition our drives with one extended partition and then logical drives for both the data volume and swap volume. Thanks

Bob I

If you lock min and max to same size and it's on D: before the data is
introduced. I think you should have the same performance you have now or
a little better. Heads don't have to trot across the drive to another
partition to update the swap and locking it down size wise will prevent


actually, unless the swap file resides on a separate physical disk, you are
not gonna see any real performance gains

Jason2833 said:
My company is looking at creating a standard build for our 2000 servers.
We have been debating on whether or not we should put our swap file on a
seperate partition from our Data volume. Our current config looks like this.

we are looking at this now for our config:
D: Data and SWAP

My question is, are there any disadvantages or advantages to leaving the swap file on it on partition?

Servers are configured with RAID 5 and a hotspare. We partition our drives
with one extended partition and then logical drives for both the data volume
and swap volume. Thanks

Ricardo M. Urbano - W2K/NT4 MVP

Consultant said:
actually, unless the swap file resides on a separate physical disk, you are
not gonna see any real performance gains

We have been debating on whether or not we should put our swap file on a
seperate partition from our Data volume. Our current config looks like this.
with one extended partition and then logical drives for both the data volume
and swap volume. Thanks

And a probable performance hit if it's on the same physical drive, but
not the same drive letter as the OS.

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