Svend Olaf Mikkelsen please help me to recover my lost partition

Jun 18, 2007
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Dear Mr. Svend Olaf Mikkelsen,

yesterday my PC crashed during Partition Magic 8.0 operation (Partition resizing) and now I have only a PqRP-Partition.

I googled intensive and found your tools and advices.

I send you the output of both operations: findpart all fp.txt and findpart pqrp 2 fp-a.txt

Can you tell me how are my recovery chances?

You wrote:
"I will quote the Pqrp program announcement:

"If the damage type is listed as 1, 2, 3 or 4 there is a good chance
that correctly editing the ID 3C partition table entry will recover
the partition. For damage types 3 and 4 it is not recognized what
happened, but the directory structure appears to be OK."

Please help me! Thank you very, very much!

Now the content of the output files:

findpart all fp.txt

Findpart, version 4.83 - for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 1999-2007.

OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 All

Disk: 1 Cylinders: 19929 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 156327

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 0C 63 82043892 40060 0 1 1 5106 254 63 B OK
1 1 07 63320143257156319 1 1 1 19928*254 63 OK OK

------FAT CHS -Size Cl --Root -Good -Rep. Maybe --Bad YY-MM-DD DataMB
0 1 33 Second FAT not found.

------FAT CHS ------LBA Confidence Distance Type Sig
0 1 33 95 14297 32 OK

Partitions according to partition tables on first harddisk:

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 3 0F 16065320143320156319 1 0 1 19928*254 63 OK

1 1 07 63320143257156319 1 1 1 19928*254 63 OK OK

Disk: 2 Cylinders: 24792 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 194474

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 - 0C 63 80983602 39542 0 1 1 5040 254 63 B OK
Fdisk F6 sector 403 0 1
Fdisk F6 sector 403 1 1
5041 1 3C 63317299752154931 5041* 1 1 24791*254 63 OK
5041 - 07 63304929702148891 5041 1 1 24021 254 63 B OK
5041 - 07 63317299752154931 5041 1 1 24791 254 63 BU OK

------FAT CHS -Size Cl --Root -Good -Rep. Maybe --Bad YY-MM-DD DataMB
0 1 39 9885 32 2 9885 0 0 0 06-06-15 38316

Partitions according to partition tables on second harddisk:

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1*0C 63 80983602 39542 0 1 1 5040*254 63 OK OK
0 2 0F 80983665317299815154931 5041* 0 1 24791*254 63 OK

5041 1 3C 63317299752154931 5041* 1 1 24791*254 63 OK

Disk: 3 Not found.

findpart pqrp 2 fp-a.txt

Pqrp version FP 4.83 Copyright Svend Olaf Mikkelsen, 2007.

OS: Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Disk: 2 Cylinders: 24792 Heads: 255 Sectors: 63 MB: 194474

--PCyl N ID -----Rel -----Num ---MB --Start CHS- ---End CHS-- BS CHS
0 1*0C 63 80983602 39542 0 1 1 5040*254 63 OK OK
0 2 0F 80983665317299815154931 5041* 0 1 24791*254 63 OK

5041 1 3C 63317299752154931 5041* 1 1 24791*254 63 OK

FAT32 partition not found at Pqrp location.

Thank you a lot!

with kind regards
