There are 8 svchost.exe are in active processes, 4 are SYSTEM processes, 2
are NETWORK SERVICES and 2 LOCAL SERVICES, one of those processes consumes
about 30 MB of memory constantly (one that is SYSTEM process) rest of
svchost.exe-s are consuming 3 to 6 MBs of memory. I am sure that something is
wrong with that 30 MB process... there is no other svchost.exe except for one
in Windows/system32 folder. Can anybody help me, any advise ??
are NETWORK SERVICES and 2 LOCAL SERVICES, one of those processes consumes
about 30 MB of memory constantly (one that is SYSTEM process) rest of
svchost.exe-s are consuming 3 to 6 MBs of memory. I am sure that something is
wrong with that 30 MB process... there is no other svchost.exe except for one
in Windows/system32 folder. Can anybody help me, any advise ??