svchost.exe memory leak



I've noticed that over the space of about 4 days, the system memory taken up
by 1 of the svchost.exe instances increases by about 60 MB. It's a
legitamate instance of the process. A check of tasklist /SVC in the cmd
window shows that it is the governing process for a large number of system
services. Is what my computer is experiencing normal, meaning that after a
certain time the computer will reset itself due to insufficient memory? or is
it a problem and is there some way to fix it?

David H. Lipman

From: "Linx" <[email protected]>

| I've noticed that over the space of about 4 days, the system memory taken up
| by 1 of the svchost.exe instances increases by about 60 MB. It's a
| legitamate instance of the process. A check of tasklist /SVC in the cmd
| window shows that it is the governing process for a large number of system
| services. Is what my computer is experiencing normal, meaning that after a
| certain time the computer will reset itself due to insufficient memory? or is
| it a problem and is there some way to fix it?

Download MULTI_AV.EXE from the URL --

To use this utility, perform the following...
Execute; Multi_AV.exe { Note: You must use the default folder C:\AV-CLS }
Choose; Unzip
Choose; Close

Execute; C:\AV-CLS\StartMenu.BAT
{ or Double-click on 'Start Menu' in C:\AV-CLS }

NOTE: You may have to disable your software FireWall or allow WGET.EXE to go through your
FireWall to allow it to download the needed AV vendor related files.

C:\AV-CLS\StartMenu.BAT -- { or Double-click on 'Start Menu' in C:\AV-CLS}
This will bring up the initial menu of choices and should be executed in Normal Mode.
This way all the components can be downloaded from each AV vendor's web site.
The choices are; Sophos, Trend, McAfee, Kaspersky, Exit this menu and Reboot the PC.

You can choose to go to each menu item and just download the needed files or you can
download the files and perform a scan in Normal Mode. Once you have downloaded the files
needed for each scanner you want to use, you should reboot the PC into Safe Mode [F8 key
during boot] and re-run the menu again and choose which scanner you want to run in Safe
Mode. It is suggested to run the scanners in both Safe Mode and Normal Mode.

When the menu is displayed hitting 'H' or 'h' will bring up a more comprehensive PDF help

Additional Instructions:

* * * Please report back your results * * *


Thanks for the advice, but unfortuneatly it doesnt help since the program
cant seem to download any of the files it requires from sophos etc.

David H. Lipman

From: "Linx" <[email protected]>

| Thanks for the advice, but unfortuneatly it doesnt help since the program
| cant seem to download any of the files it requires from sophos etc.

Read the PDF Help File about using a surrogate PC.


The system seems to be free of viruses etc. The instance of svchost in
question is running the following set of processes: AudioSrv, Browser,
CryptSvc, Dhcp, dmserver, ERSvc, EventSystem, helpsvc, HidServ, lanmanserver,
lanmanworkstation, Netman, Nla, RasMan, Schedule, seclogon, SENS,
SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice, TapiSrv, Themes, TrkWks, W32Time,
winmgmt, Wmi, wuauserv, WZCSVC. All these services are legit, and its
apparently quite normal for them to be present in such a large group in one
svchost instance. But what I dont understand is why its this instance and
this one alone that continues to gobble up system memory (6 days without a
reset and around 200 MB) and not release it. Thanks for all your help so far.

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