i am having problems with svchost.exe does anyone know how to fix it? it keeps you from clicking on alot of things. i have checked for virus and i do not have one.
how to fix it? it keeps you from clicking on alot of-----Original Message-----
i am having problems with svchost.exe does anyone know
try running the Welchia removal tool then apply the.
Your virus software might not be up to date. You should
how to fix it? it keeps you from clicking on alot of
things. i have checked for virus and i do not have one.
try running the Welchia removal tool then apply the
patch. A good way to determine whether or not you have
the virus is to go to C:\\WINNT\SYSTEM32\WINS. If you
have the WINS folder you have the virus.
W. Watson said:Since I don't have a c:\WINNT directory, then I must not have the virus. However, I find it odd that
I no longer have a WINNT directory, since I upgraded from NT to 2000. Are you referring to an NT or
W2000 machine?