svchost.exe error

  • Thread starter Thread starter ziad dodin
  • Start date Start date

ziad dodin

although I have Win200 + sp4, IE6.0 + sp1 but i still have
this serious problem: while I am surfing the web, suddenly
an unknown error occurs saying "eror: memory location
xxxx.xx can not be read and svchost.exe has generated an
error and will be closed, you need to restart your
computer"; I can continue to browse, but the connection
hangs and in most of the time I can not disconnect unless
I restart. I searched the knowledge base for all text
containing svchost.exe but did not find mycase; all
answers say it is in service pack 4 which I have installed.

please help and thanks
ziad dodin
Amman - Jordan
Do you get the same message when you click 'create mail'
in Outlook/Outlook Express?

I think its a worm myself.
uve got the msblast virus
Manual Removal Instructions
To remove this virus "by hand", follow these steps:

Apply the MS03-039 patch (includes MS03-026 patch)
Terminate the process msblast.exe
Delete the msblast.exe file from your WINDOWS SYSTEM32
directory (typically c:\windows\system32 or
Edit the registry
Delete the "windows auto update" value from
he dsnt necesarily have it .. but is suffering the effects of it attempting
to infect yet make a mistake due 2 it's inability 2 detect which os it's
dealing with