Svchost Error...please help!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
  • Start date Start date


For the last couple of weeks, the following message
started to appear while I'm connected to the
internet: "svchost.exe has generated errors and will be
closed by windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created". This message has appeared
so far when I'm ONLY connected. By the way, I’m using
Internet Explorer 5.0. Sometimes it will appear within 5
minutes of connecting onto the internet AND sometimes it
may appear after 30 minutes of connecting onto the
internet AND sometimes the message will not appear at
all….it varies. I am using Windows 2000. I have not
loaded any new programs either. I've had this EXACT
system for a couple of years now. The ONLY troubles that
I encounter AFTER the svchost.exe error appears is that
when I try to open Excel 2000, Word 2000, etc the
following message appears, "cannot use object linking and
embedding" and then the Excel or Word program will close
automatically. Sometimes if Excel or Word doesn’t shut
down automatically then the troubles I have is the
inability to "copy and paste". The other problem I
encounter AFTER the svchost.exe error is that I'm unable
to upload pictures on eBay and do other minor tasks such
as clicking on links. All in all, I truly believe that
the "Excel, Word, eBay" problems are due to the
svchost.exe error after connecting onto the internet
because all my programs work perfectly fine when I’m not
connected to the internet. I have conducted a "search" on for articles related to "svchost.exe
errors" but there are a lot to choose from and I need
SPECIFIC/DETAILED assistance/directions on what to do to
fix the problem. Please feel free to ask me any questions
to assist you in helping me. Thank you in advance. Jay
Jay said:
For the last couple of weeks, the following message
started to appear while I'm connected to the
internet: "svchost.exe has generated errors and will be
closed by windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created". This message has appeared
so far when I'm ONLY connected. By the way, I’m using
Internet Explorer 5.0. Sometimes it will appear within 5
minutes of connecting onto the internet AND sometimes it
may appear after 30 minutes of connecting onto the
internet AND sometimes the message will not appear at
all….it varies. I am using Windows 2000. I have not
loaded any new programs either. I've had this EXACT
system for a couple of years now. The ONLY troubles that
I encounter AFTER the svchost.exe error appears is that
when I try to open Excel 2000, Word 2000, etc the
following message appears, "cannot use object linking and
embedding" and then the Excel or Word program will close
automatically. Sometimes if Excel or Word doesn’t shut
down automatically then the troubles I have is the
inability to "copy and paste". The other problem I
encounter AFTER the svchost.exe error is that I'm unable
to upload pictures on eBay and do other minor tasks such
as clicking on links. All in all, I truly believe that
the "Excel, Word, eBay" problems are due to the
svchost.exe error after connecting onto the internet
because all my programs work perfectly fine when I’m not
connected to the internet. I have conducted a "search" on for articles related to "svchost.exe
errors" but there are a lot to choose from and I need
SPECIFIC/DETAILED assistance/directions on what to do to
fix the problem. Please feel free to ask me any questions
to assist you in helping me. Thank you in advance. Jay

this is the type of behaviour that the MS Blast virus gives..

take a look at the info here

ensure you install a firewall and install good antivirus software and
regularly update the virus signatures

hope that helps
Thanks for your help. I was planning on using a
free version of "zone alarm". Can you recommend a good
FREE antivirus software program? Lastly, since it
appears that I've already been affected by the "MS blast
virus", how do I fix the otherwords, if I
load the "zone alarm" will that take care of the MS blast
problem OR do I have to manually delete the "MS Blast"
virus. I really think you are on the right track because
I actually started receiving emails around the same time
as my problem that always have the subect "MS
patchwork"...I actually have been receiving about 50 a
day. Thank you sincerely. Specifically, is loading a
free version of "zone alarm" + your anti virus software
recommendation a good start?
Jay said:
Thanks for your help. I was planning on using a
free version of "zone alarm". Can you recommend a good
FREE antivirus software program? Lastly, since it
appears that I've already been affected by the "MS blast
virus", how do I fix the otherwords, if I
load the "zone alarm" will that take care of the MS blast
problem OR do I have to manually delete the "MS Blast"
virus. I really think you are on the right track because
I actually started receiving emails around the same time
as my problem that always have the subect "MS
patchwork"...I actually have been receiving about 50 a
day. Thank you sincerely. Specifically, is loading a
free version of "zone alarm" + your anti virus software
recommendation a good start?

Hi Jay

I use F-Secure AV which is a retail product, I have not tried any of the
free ones but I have heard good reports of

plus the info at

details what steps MS advise also ensure you visit the windows update
site regularly and apply all the updates and patches...

ms blaster remover here
You Haven't actually got MSBLast. Its trying to get you! It was coded by
a numbnuts so it doesn't interrogate the system for your OS it guesses,
when it gets it wrong ( nearly every time) svchost fails. MSBlast exploits
the DCOM vulnerability. So, go to
and download dcombobulator, this will stop the problem. But definitely get
AV and firewall. I suggest Tiny Personal Firewall, its free. I didn't like
zonealarm, but its up to you. Make sure you update windows all the time

you can check if you've got blaster from a tool that symantec made check for welchia while you're there too, won't hurt!
