Sussex where...?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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If you were going to purchase "Sussex Tomatoes" I'm guessing you would reasonably expect them to hail from... er... Sussex? Well that's what I thought too...

Until I read this:

Sainsbury's Sussex Tomatoes 200g

Country of Origin

Grown in United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Canary Islands, Morocco, Senegal, Sicily, Channel Islands
Source: Here

Who knew so many countries would also contain a county named Sussex! :eek: :lol:
yes, supermarkets have been pulling the wool over our eyes for decades ... I have recently stopped buying fruit & veg from my local Asda (named to shame) in favour of the local market. We have a pretty good choice of 'British products' here.

I don't mined buying Spanish onions or Spanish oranges, I buy them for a reason as well as South African fruit & New Zealand lamb!

... I better quit while I'm still ahead.

oh, here is one Sussex Tomato grower worth buying from ... Eric Wall

If you were going to purchase "Sussex Tomatoes" I'm guessing you would reasonably expect them to hail from... er... Sussex? Well that's what I thought too...

Until I read this:

Source: Here

Who knew so many countries would also contain a county named Sussex! :eek: :lol:
Well, there's a Sussex in New Jersey and one in Delaware and likely lots of others in countries settled by the Brits. :D
Is not just a type and not where it's produced?
You mean is "Sussex" a variety of tomato..? I don't think so. Yesterday I spent some time Googling around just to check, but did not turn up any toms which were named Sussex.

We received our delivery a short time ago. Interestingly, the Sussex toms I'd ordered, were grown in Holland, and their variety is Campari. :lol: Even more interestingly... since yesterday, the listing which specifically mentioned "Sussex" toms has disappeared; it has been replaced by "medium vine toms." (That's what we received, and it was NOT a substitution either.

Hmm, wonder if someone at Sainsbugs is a PCR fan? lol. ;)
Cornish Pasty; Melton Mowbray Pork Pie; Yorkshire Pudding; Welsh rarebit and I could probably fill a pamphlet with cheeses.....

And my point is? Dunno, haven't got one :D
Cornish Pasty; Melton Mowbray Pork Pie; Yorkshire Pudding; Welsh rarebit and I could probably fill a pamphlet with cheeses.....
Lol... I'm ill at the moment, so have a lot of time to look-up useless pieces of info to bore everyone with. :blush: Anyway, the Cornish Pasty and Melton Mowbray names are now protected:
Since 1993, the European Union (EU) has provided a framework that gives legal protection for named regional food products against imitation across the EU.
There is even a Cornish Pasty Association! It conjours thoughts of militant pastry products. :D

I guess my real point, (and in case anyone hasn't caught-on, I'm actually being a bit tongue-in-cheek, not jumping up-and-down or anything lol) is that you wouldn't expect something labeled "Welsh lamb" to come from NZ.

Okay okay, I will creep back to my cat-basket again :lol:
I agree with Taffycat. Has any one seen just how many places make Cheddar cheese,every where but Cheddar?