

The Linux Lady
Sep 22, 2005
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Mucks, I found that SuSe has another way to day a screenshot.

Go to the SuSe start button and choose Utilities-Desktop-KSnapshot.

Set the "save as" and where first, set the delay and screen, and Snap. :thumb:
Yeah, tried that one ... took 15 'snaps' before I got the right window. :D

I need practice.

... you do know that ALT+PrintScreen works as well. ;)

and you can Paste it into OpenOffice. :thumb:
I'm proud to announce that my HP Officejet works with Suse 9.3, and my Lexar Multimedia Card Reader works. :D
I'm going to work on making SuSe my main OS. :thumb:
Quadophile said:
Linux is surely getting THERE! :thumb:
Carefull Quad ... there are a lot of 'flavours' of Linux to choose from ... this one is Suse. ;)
IF your feeling particularly inquisitive today:

# This function is part of the bbips Bash Batch Image Processing Script
# bbips - (b)ash (b)atch (i)mage (p)rocessing (s)cript #
#              On the web at             #
#                                                                                   #
#    FILE: bbips                                                                    #
# VERSION: See variable (bbips_version) below.                                      #
#    DATE: See variable (revision_date) below.                                      #
#                                                                                   #
#  AUTHOR: Dave Crouse <dave NOSPAMat>                                   #
#      c/o USA Linux Users Group                                                    #
#          PO Box 3210                                                              #
#          Des Moines, IA 50316-0210                                                #
#          United States                                                            #
#                                                                                   #
#                                                                                   #
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Dave Crouse <dave NOSPAMat>                    #
# All rights reserved.                                                              #
#                                                                                   #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify              #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by              #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or                 #
# (at your option) any later version.                                               #
#                                                                                   #  
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                   #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                    #
# GNU General Public License for more details.                                      #
#                                                                                   #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                 # 
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                       #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA         # 
#                                                                                   #
Create_Screenshots ()
echo "    __    __    _
   / /_  / /_  (_)___  _____
  / __ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ ___/
 / /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ (__  )
/_.___/_.___/_/ .___/____/
echo "----------------------------------"
echo "Bash Batch Image Processing Script"
echo "Screenshot Creation Function"
echo ""
echo "This will allow you to take multiple"
echo "screenshots. You will be asked for the"
echo "number of screenshots you wish to take,"
echo "and the number of seconds delay between shots"
echo "You will also be asked for a name for the"
echo "screenshot directory. No spaces or special"
echo "characters should be used in the name."
echo ""
echo ""
read -p "How many screenshots do you want to take ? " numbershots
read -p "How many seconds delay between each shot ? " delayed
read -p "What would you like to name this series of screenshots ? " shotname
echo ""
echo "You may minimize this window. Screenshots will"
echo "begin 5 seconds after you hit the Enter Key"
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------"
read -p "Hit Enter to continue" temp
echo "Starting screenshots"
echo ""
mkdir bbips-screenshots
cd bbips-screenshots
mkdir $shotname
cd $shotname
sleep 5s;
# note: the resize feature available - others also available - see man import
# import -window root -resize 800x600 -snaps 10 -pause 5 bbipshot.jpg
import -window root -snaps $numbershots -pause $delayed $shotname.jpg
echo "All screenshots created"
cd ..
cd ..
read -p "Hit RETURN to continue" temp


echo " Thanks for using the Create Screenshots bash function"

This bash script allows you to take x number o screenshots and it resizes them to 800x600 and stores them into a directory for you.

To run the script .... cut-n-paste the code into a text editor (KATE) ...... and then save to your desktop as

open a terminal (command line interface .... xterm, etc ) and at the command line type.........

cd Desktop
chmod a+x

......... :)
Well err, hmmmm, yes, now then ...

Try this one;
Open as many program windows as you like.
sort to look good on screen.
press 'Print Screen'
Open OpenOffice
Save as jpeg tiff png ... whatever.
the end. :D

Not being funny or trying to be sarcastic ... although that is natural for me ... but I do NOT have much command line knowledge ... Suse has some great "tools" that once found, can do all you should need to do an never really get your hands dirty. However, I will agree, some basic knowledge of the "registry" is handy to have.

Good deal, Crouse. Thank you. :thumb:

I'm not adverse to running some scripts. :)

Yes, the gui stuff is easy once you find it..... but the command line allows for much greater control. The difference between your gui program and mine, is that mine will take X number of screenshots every X seconds, with no further interaction required on your part ;) Your way takes one at a time....... which , granted works just fine :)

From the command line:

import -window root -resize 800x600 -pause 5 screenshot.jpg

That command will take a delayed (by 5 seconds) screenshot...... and RESIZE it to 800 x 600

import -window root -resize 600x480 -pause 5 screenshot2.jpg

will do the same thing but resize it to 600x480 ........ and you can of course change the settings etc. This allows you to take a screenshot and resize it all at once.

Not saying it's the only way............ just a "different" way :)
Hey Crouse, I ran that script and it says "import" not found-

Hit Enter to continue
Starting screenshots line 81: import: command not found
All screenshots created
Hit RETURN to continue
Last edited:
you don't have the "imagemagick" program installed.

If your running suse, you can use yast and install it.
usalug said:
you don't have the "imagemagick" program installed.

If your running suse, you can use yast and install it.

I did that and it works! :D
Thank you. :thumb:
usalug said:
you don't have the "imagemagick" program installed.

If your running suse, you can use yast and install it.

oops, I think I just installed every Multimedia package under the sun. :o
I figured out FTP too. :thumb:
Now I can use SuSe to access my webhost panel. :thumb:

I'm really liking SuSe.