Suse 10.1 ... BIG mistake ... but hey, I sorted it


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I have come to the conclusion that Novell are employing monkeys ... real ones, 'cos I'm damn sure no human was capable of putting together such an abomination of an Operating System as Suse 10.1

Sorry dear, but even for FREE I want something that works ... it seems I was one of the lucky ones, in that, my install went without too much problem, well no problems really, just took an hour and some to finish, but hey, it's free right. :thumb:

Well, bugger off and go and do it again, :mad: ... you have a bloody cheek issuing this heap of crap and calling it finished, more like chinese cracker soup, err, sorry, no disrespect to our far eastern allies.

I have given up trying to "fix" it ... I'm not a Linux user, I use Linux, yes there is a difference.

Wonder what Maddrivel is like these days. Think I'll try that for a laugh. :D
That bad? This is why I like MS ;)

Have you tried Gentoo or any of the other distros?
who said I didn't like MS

Ian Cunningham said:
That bad? This is why I like MS ;)

Have you tried Gentoo or any of the other distros?
You been away toooo long ... I have about 25 Distro's ... Gentoo ain't one of them.

Ian, I ain't forking out another £55 for XP ... mind you, I do have DOS6.2, WfW3.11, Win95/98/98SE & ME ... but then MS no longer supports them. oh and Win2000, but I never did like that one.

Naw, I'm downloading Mandriva 2006 ... we'll have a shout and scream at them today. :D
How many PCs have you got now Mucks? Tried Mandrake about 3 years ago (after a recommendation from Floppy? not sure) and liked it, but that was a much older version.

Good Luck :D
Ian Cunningham said:
How many PCs have you got now Mucks? Tried Mandrake about 3 years ago (after a recommendation from Floppy? not sure) and liked it, but that was a much older version.

Good Luck :D
LoL ... only two. :D

This one, and the Old Girl over there ....... >

Hmm, I downloaded the DVD version of Suse 10.1 overnight, I'll be installing it soon.

I've only read mostly good reports about it, although there were a few problems, apparently.

I've tried Mandriva 2006, it's Ok, but I MUCH preferred Suse V10.0. Why not go back to V10.0 for now until they've ironed the bugs out?

I'll let you know how I get on with my 10.1 install, but I haven't even checked the md5sum yet. I'll keep you posted :)

And calm down, you'll busta bloodvessel ;)
open the pop, we are celebrating ...

Maddrivil didn't last 30mins before I was reformating once again ... poor HD don't know whether it's comming or going. :D

So, we, me myself & I, tried once more with 10.1 ... got the little bugger on the hop this time, it is up-n-running, and the way I want it ... for now.

I'll look into all the other stuff, like nVidia drivers, later. :p

... now where did I leave that Bonkit program?

Suse 10.1 seemed to have worked ok for me,although i found it sluggish compared to my slackware install,but to be fair i do have a custom compiled kernel in slackware..If you havent already tried pclos Muckshifter should give it a go..i found it to be the next best thing to slackware..or you could try slackware :D
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Yep, I have tried PCLos ... very aptly named to, 'cos it was a dead Loss ... it would not install. :)

I hear Slackware requires a 6 year degree in Linux ... I don't think I'll live that long.

Nup, I'm not a Linux user ... I use Linux. ;)

I am getting rather good at 'fixing' Suse though. :D
Hahahahahahaha :lol:

I knew that would work.....

I threaten to install Suse 10.1 after Mucks has complained it's a pile of poop and suddenly, miraculously, Mr Mucks manages to install it ok :lol:

And blow me, the thread title's changed too, to reflect positivism instead of our Jock geezer getting the 'ump :lol:

Well, our kid, nice to see you managed a clean working install, you just needed the right motivation, yes/no? ;)

Ok, my turn soon, I'll let you know how I get on :)
Thanks Mucks. Hmm. Ain't gonna be as easy as V10.0 then? Oh well, this should be fun :D
Apparently this "zmd" has bee around for some time, and not many people I've seen on the Linux forums like it ... others, geeks probably, have no bother.

I tripped over that blog researching what the hell zmd was.

Follow it carefully and before you do much else and at least you should then get any critical updates ... it still has problems but I did manage to use it to get all the new KDE 3.5.3 stuff, that is worth getting, it really is faster.

I'll go and try and update the nVidia drivers tomorrow ... not now simple to install for the liks of me, but, I like the look of tiny-nvidia-installer I'll let you know. :D