SUS / Windows Update Client Install

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date


After following the instructions in the "Deploying
Microsoft Software Update Services" for pushing the
wuau22.msi file to the clients. And after verifying that
the version is higher than the posted versin in the white
pages. After Installing the SUS templates in the Active
Directroy / Group Policy area. I cannot find the registry
string to add the redirect of AU from the internet to the
intranet server. The Regsitry string
e does not exist in neither the server domain nor any of
the clients. Should this locations be here or do I need to
add the additional keys to creat these extra locations.
The deployment guide directs us only to create a Key
inside the WindowsUpdate/AU folders and they do not exist.

I appreciate any assistance you may give.
Hi, You have to create the keys.




Read the deploy guide for the different options.

Hope this helps.