I created and applied a GPO called (windows_update) for my
OU and sub OUs. I used the Windows update document to edit
the User configurations\Administrative templates\Windows
Components\Windows Update.
I reffresh the policy and run gpresult.
I found out that my GPO called windows_update is under
REgistry settings in GPresults is it normal and not in
security settings.
Last Qis how can I test if this is working like a way of
testing it?
OU and sub OUs. I used the Windows update document to edit
the User configurations\Administrative templates\Windows
Components\Windows Update.
I reffresh the policy and run gpresult.
I found out that my GPO called windows_update is under
REgistry settings in GPresults is it normal and not in
security settings.
Last Qis how can I test if this is working like a way of
testing it?