This have surprised me in discovering that all relative path in a
html page don't work when included in an VC++ MFC project with DHTML
support (class CDHtmlDialog).
So I've tryed to include all my images as custom type resource. I
called this custom type resource "IMAGE"
I've loaded all images. For example when I loaded the image sea1.gif
I've got in resource.h
#define IMG_SEA1 104
But I've got still problem! I changed my html in differents way, as the
following. (But no one of them worked!!)
<img src="res://IMAGE/#104"/>
<img src="res://"IMAGE"/#104"/>
<img src="res:/IMAGE/#104"/>
<img src="res://#104"/>
<img src="res://IMAGE\\#104"/>
<img src="res://IMAGE/IMG_SEA1"/>
<img src="res://IDD_CSPD_DIALOG/#104"/> <!-- Where IDD_CSPD_DIALOG
the dialog form -->
<img src="res://#101/#104"/> <!-- Where #101 is the dialog form -->
<img src="res:/IMAGE\\#104"/>
I tryed even other way. But all failed!!
I would like to understand why this happen, and how can I do to fix it.
I've VS .NET Framework 7.0.
html page don't work when included in an VC++ MFC project with DHTML
support (class CDHtmlDialog).
So I've tryed to include all my images as custom type resource. I
called this custom type resource "IMAGE"
I've loaded all images. For example when I loaded the image sea1.gif
I've got in resource.h
#define IMG_SEA1 104
But I've got still problem! I changed my html in differents way, as the
following. (But no one of them worked!!)
<img src="res://IMAGE/#104"/>
<img src="res://"IMAGE"/#104"/>
<img src="res:/IMAGE/#104"/>
<img src="res://#104"/>
<img src="res://IMAGE\\#104"/>
<img src="res://IMAGE/IMG_SEA1"/>
<img src="res://IDD_CSPD_DIALOG/#104"/> <!-- Where IDD_CSPD_DIALOG
the dialog form -->
<img src="res://#101/#104"/> <!-- Where #101 is the dialog form -->
<img src="res:/IMAGE\\#104"/>
I tryed even other way. But all failed!!
I would like to understand why this happen, and how can I do to fix it.
I've VS .NET Framework 7.0.