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I am new to all this video/movie making. It was suggested that I use MM2 in conjunction with my digital camcorder so this is the path I am on. What I want to do is combine two recordings of my daughter's dance recital. I have one with a wide angle of the entire group of dancers and one focused on my daughter. I want to combine the two by superimposing my daughters close-up on top of the group. Can this be done?
Visit and look for the piece on picture in picture, or actually
how to get around it as MM doesn't properly support it.
Also, if you sign up for the newsletter, this weeks was actually on this
very subject and will be of immense use to you.
Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media

Charles said:
I am new to all this video/movie making. It was suggested that I use MM2
in conjunction with my digital camcorder so this is the path I am on. What
I want to do is combine two recordings of my daughter's dance recital. I
have one with a wide angle of the entire group of dancers and one focused on
my daughter. I want to combine the two by superimposing my daughters
close-up on top of the group. Can this be done?
Hello there,

Movie Maker does not do this directly, and I doubt it can be made to do it
in any manner, assuming you want what I think you want :)

The way I imagine you want (with the background from the close up removed)
is very difficult. A program called MovieDV Ver 7 from can do
it. Its a hard thing to achieve and requires special conditions to exist
dealing with just the close up... You need two film clips, the camera in
both clips moves exactly the same, there must be no variation in light
levels, no shadows in one that are not in the other etc. Using MovieDV you
subtract the video without your daughter from the video with your daughter.
Where the subtraction occurs then becomes a special colour (transparent)

The result of the above is a video clip that you can then lay over any
video you like.

A second way of doing this with less desirable results (again in MovieDV)
is to lay the daughter video over the other video but make it smaller and
position it so that your daughter appears where you want can
change that position so that in "time" it keeps position with events going
on behind it. For the daughter video you make the edges fade to
transparent. Its OK. How good it will be very much depends on the camera

You can only go so far with post production tricks where no pre-production
was done to assist in the making of those effects.

For a not that brilliant demo of this go to my website and look at the
video 2004 - 01 (If you have broadband) MOst of the videos have a bit of a
"trick" in them...for some of the transitions see 2004 - 03 and for split
video see "Split Video"
If all you want is a Picture in Picture (PIP) effect so that the one clip
plays over the the other one in smaller size, perhaps to one side or in a
corner... then you may like to try out my custom PIP effects. See this
thread in Movie Makers forum:

If you are not sure what to do with the xml code... See near the end of the
above mentioned thread I have provided a link to download an installable