Gord said:
Hi I did post but can't find it so I am reposting. My system is a few
years old and I have been on here before to get it cleaned up. Well I'm
back. Until last week it was working fine, but now it is so slow.
I have run ccleaner and my avg programs but nothing is working.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi "Gord",
You have apparently been accessing this Usenet newsgroup from this website:
Look at the bottom of the index of messages for page number and ARROWS.
At this instance in time, your older thread was on page 3 of 329.
While your message is being displayed, look above the top left of the
message. There is a printer icon and an icon that looks like 2 pages, which
the mouse-over tool tip says is: Copy URL to clipboard.
Here is your old thread (with 9 replies so far

Subject: Sloooooow computer, please help
You can also right-click on your message and "Add to Favorites", and choose
a unique name for the shortcut. (Don't count on email notification.
Your New thread (with 5 replies so far

Subject: super slow computer
While this reply was waiting in the Outlook Express "Drafts" folder, I see
that you have since found your old message thread, and I'm looking forward
to seeing your progress report, so will not suggest anything further now.
HTH. (Hope This Helps.
