Thanks for the reply! I think that I may have mis-spoke when I called what
I have "Super-slides". The slide frame is the same size as a 35mm but the
image area is a bigger square format. I'll check out your recommendations.
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I have over 1000 slides from days gone by that I'd like to scan and share
with my family. Mostly they're "super slides" taken with Ektachrome 127
film. Can anyone recommend a scanner that would be good for this job?
Your super slides should fit in a 35mm carrier, don't know about a
35mm scanner but most large format (2 1/4) scanners allow you to
manually outline the image area you want scanned, look at the Nikon
LS8000 or 9000. You can also use a flatbed, Epson's V700 and V750 are
quite good the V500 less so. Microtek makes an M1 also a flatbed made
for film. If you have a friend with a 35mm scanner I'd see if that
would work, it may but may not. I have been using a V700 for 2+ years
and it has been a very good scanner, have printed many images from