Tippacanoo and Tyler, too?
Yes indeedee we is! And youse is way over there near to where my ancestors came: Wales. Jolly good. But...why didn't I find you guys before I spent money on...oh well...water unda da bridge I guess.
What a great place this is. Where actual PEOPLES answer questions instead of bots. What a treat!
Put 'Trojan' or 'Fake Alert' into a website's search engine and geez, the gobbledy-gook ya get. Can I just get an answer please? Fer gawds sake, I know what a Trojan Horse was! And...well...we know the other...Trojan...AHEM... (oh boy, is muckshifter gonna step on my neck again? Sorry about the other "word") Anyways, I shall be here driving you mates batty. Or maybe not. I really appreciate the help you've given me. I've taken your advice.
OH, and hey, help poor Li'l Sunny Girl, would ya? She sounds like a nice bird (chirp)
(I originally put 'churp' but the good 'ol Spell Check fixed it!~)