This is a formula that is close, but does not work ...
SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!A2:A5555=(BETWEEN "09/01/2003"
AND "09/31/2003"))*(Sheet1!I1:I5555=Totals!C1)) . What I
would like is to check Sheet1 for a date range in column A
AND check Sheet1 for a value in column I and if both
criteria match, then count the number of instances that it
matches. I think my date range is set up wrong. Please
SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!A2:A5555=(BETWEEN "09/01/2003"
AND "09/31/2003"))*(Sheet1!I1:I5555=Totals!C1)) . What I
would like is to check Sheet1 for a date range in column A
AND check Sheet1 for a value in column I and if both
criteria match, then count the number of instances that it
matches. I think my date range is set up wrong. Please