I have the following formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(('SeaTask Detail'!H7:H31='Budget Detail'!E3)*('SeaTask
Detail'!I7:I31='Budget Detail'!G3)*('SeaTask Detail'!R7:R31))
What I am trying to do, is based on two conditions, determine the
amount of money allocated to a particular budget.
The problem I have is that the 'seatask detail' is about 50 different
report breakouts on one sheet.
Simple example:
Account: East
Who: Joe Blow
Budget Line Item Amount
001 A $50
002 B $75
Account: West
Who: Joe Blow
Budget Line Item Amount
001 A $53
002 B $33
So, basically I am trying to find the total for all budgets 001, line
item A (in this case $103 dollars).
The problem I am having is that those darn titles in each set of
reports is resulting in my sumproduct formula returninga #value. If I
get rid of those headings it works fine.
Help! How do I work around this problem?
Thanks for your time!!
Paul Zeitlin
I have the following formula:
=SUMPRODUCT(('SeaTask Detail'!H7:H31='Budget Detail'!E3)*('SeaTask
Detail'!I7:I31='Budget Detail'!G3)*('SeaTask Detail'!R7:R31))
What I am trying to do, is based on two conditions, determine the
amount of money allocated to a particular budget.
The problem I have is that the 'seatask detail' is about 50 different
report breakouts on one sheet.
Simple example:
Account: East
Who: Joe Blow
Budget Line Item Amount
001 A $50
002 B $75
Account: West
Who: Joe Blow
Budget Line Item Amount
001 A $53
002 B $33
So, basically I am trying to find the total for all budgets 001, line
item A (in this case $103 dollars).
The problem I am having is that those darn titles in each set of
reports is resulting in my sumproduct formula returninga #value. If I
get rid of those headings it works fine.
Help! How do I work around this problem?
Thanks for your time!!
Paul Zeitlin