summing visible data



Is there a way to sum data for cells that are visible,
that is not hidden?
An example is below.

With Columns C through G visible
Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G
5 1 1 1 1 1
Column B Sums visible Columns to right

With Column C hidden
Col B Col D Col E Col F Col G
4 1 1 1 1
Column B Sums visible Columns to right

With Columns C and D hidden
Col B Col E Col F Col G
3 1 1 1
Column B Sums visible Columns to right

Thank You!

Frank Kabel

this is only possible with VBA (using a user defined function). Would
this be a feasible way for you?


Hi Frank,

VBA is a possiblality.
I am using Excel 97
Also I am looking at summing several hundred rows.
Does this still sound possible?


Hi Frank,

I am using Excel 97.
Using VBA is a possibility.
I am however trying to apply this to several hundred rows.
Is this still a possibility?


Maybe you'll like to try the 2 UDFs below in the interim,
one posted by Jim Rech, the other by John Walkenbach:

Option (a) - UDF below by Jim Rech:
[ Link: ]

Press Alt+F11 to go to VBE
Click Insert > Module
Copy > paste everything within the dotted lines below
into the whitespace on the right

-------begin vba-----
Function SumVis(Rg As Range) As Double
'By Jim Rech in .misc Jan 2002
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Rg
If Cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
''If only rows can be hidden remove this If
If Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False Then
SumVis = SumVis + Cell.Value
End If ''and this End If
End If
End Function

Press Alt+Q to get back to Excel

In Excel:
Put in say, B2: =sumvis(C2:G2)
Copy B2 down

Col B will return the desired sum of the visible cols within C to G
(but you'll need to force a recalc by pressing F9 - see notes below)

Jim's notes on his UDF:
"Note that even when calc mode is automatic, Excel will
not do a recalc when a row is hidden or unhidden.
You'd have to trigger it with an F9 after hiding/unhiding a row,
or by some other change like entering data that causes a recalc."

Option (b) - UDF* below by John Walkenbach
[Link: ]

which, as John puts it ..
"works just like the SUM function, and supports multiple arguments"

i.e. you can put in B2 something like
: =sumvisible(C2:G2,I2:K2)
and just copy down (for multiple ranges)
[Press F9 to force a recalc, as for Jim's UDF]

*lines are intentionally un-indented
to minimise risk of line wraps
(my apologies to John <bg>)

-------begin vba-----
Function SUMVISIBLE(ParamArray number())
' By John Walkenbach in .misc Jan 2002
' Returns the sum of visible cells in a range
Dim Cell As Range, i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(number)
If Not IsError(number(i)) Then
If TypeName(number(i)) = "Range" Then
Set number(i) = Intersect(number(i).Parent.UsedRange, number(i))
For Each Cell In number(i)
If IsError(Cell) Then SUMVISIBLE = Cell: Exit Function
If Not Cell.EntireRow.Hidden And Not Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden Then
SUMVISIBLE = SUMVISIBLE + Evaluate(Application.Sum(Cell))
End If
Next Cell
SUMVISIBLE = SUMVISIBLE + Evaluate(Application.Sum(number(i)))
End If
End If
Next i
End Function


Thank You.

I will give these a try over the next several days.
I hope I get the VBA Code correct.

Once again Thank You.

-----Original Message-----
Maybe you'll like to try the 2 UDFs below in the interim,
one posted by Jim Rech, the other by John Walkenbach:

Option (a) - UDF below by Jim Rech:
[ Link: ]

Press Alt+F11 to go to VBE
Click Insert > Module
Copy > paste everything within the dotted lines below
into the whitespace on the right

-------begin vba-----
Function SumVis(Rg As Range) As Double
'By Jim Rech in .misc Jan 2002
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Rg
If Cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
''If only rows can be hidden remove this If
If Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False Then
SumVis = SumVis + Cell.Value
End If ''and this End If
End If
End Function

Press Alt+Q to get back to Excel

In Excel:
Put in say, B2: =sumvis(C2:G2)
Copy B2 down

Col B will return the desired sum of the visible cols within C to G
(but you'll need to force a recalc by pressing F9 - see notes below)

Jim's notes on his UDF:
"Note that even when calc mode is automatic, Excel will
not do a recalc when a row is hidden or unhidden.
You'd have to trigger it with an F9 after hiding/unhiding a row,
or by some other change like entering data that causes a recalc."

Option (b) - UDF* below by John Walkenbach
[Link: ]

which, as John puts it ..
"works just like the SUM function, and supports multiple arguments"

i.e. you can put in B2 something like
: =sumvisible(C2:G2,I2:K2)
and just copy down (for multiple ranges)
[Press F9 to force a recalc, as for Jim's UDF]

*lines are intentionally un-indented
to minimise risk of line wraps
(my apologies to John <bg>)

-------begin vba-----
Function SUMVISIBLE(ParamArray number())
' By John Walkenbach in .misc Jan 2002
' Returns the sum of visible cells in a range
Dim Cell As Range, i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(number)
If Not IsError(number(i)) Then
If TypeName(number(i)) = "Range" Then
Set number(i) = Intersect(number(i).Parent.UsedRange, number(i))
For Each Cell In number(i)
If IsError(Cell) Then SUMVISIBLE = Cell: Exit Function
If Not Cell.EntireRow.Hidden And Not Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden Then
SUMVISIBLE = SUMVISIBLE + Evaluate(Application.Sum (Cell))
End If
Next Cell
SUMVISIBLE = SUMVISIBLE + Evaluate(Application.Sum (number(i)))
End If
End If
Next i
End Function

xl 97
Please respond in thread
xdemechanik <at>yahoo<dot>com
Hi Frank,

I am using Excel 97.
Using VBA is a possibility.
I am however trying to apply this to several hundred rows.
Is this still a possibility?



appeng said:
Thank You.
I will give these a try over the next several days.
I hope I get the VBA Code correct.

You're welcome !
The code is good and tested <g>
Just follow the set-up and usage steps given
and it should work nicely for you ..


Thank You!

I tried Option (a) - UDF by Jim Rech:
it WORKED GREAT and did what I needed.
Once again THANK YOU


appeng said:
Thank You!

I tried Option (a) - UDF by Jim Rech:
it WORKED GREAT and did what I needed.
Once again THANK YOU

Pleased to hear that !
Thanks for the feedback

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