Summing Fields 2



Ok, I need to elaborate from my previous e-mail. I have a worksheet that
contains various columns, ex Formula Name, Quantity, Cost ect. I need to add
together the cost per formula name in another cell. Example below

Formula Name Quantity Cost
Apples 1 11.00
Bananas 2 10.00
Apples 50 550.00
Strawberries 15 9.50 So, if I summed
up Apples cost, it would be 561, Bananas would be 10 and Strawberries would
be 9.50. Can anyone help? Thanks!


Assuming your formula name is in column A and the cost is in column C. Try



Ok, that works, but now say I don't want to specify the formula name and I
just want it to calculate based off of that entire column containing like 100
or more formula names... is that possible? Thanks so much!!


You can make a list of unique names. that you can do by using advance
filter. Select the range>go to Filter>Advance Filter>check Unique Records
Only>check Copy to Another Location>Choose Location (for example D2).

Once you have that list in column D starting in D2. in E2 enter the formula




and drag it down.

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