Summing based on format

  • Thread starter Thread starter jennerifw
  • Start date Start date


OK, I have another one...

I have conditional formating turned on so once an item is marked as
completed, it's cell turns blue. Now I want to total the items that
have turned blue. Is there an easy way to do this?
By using the same test as your Conditional Formatting uses.
and use of SUMPRODUCT or SUMIF
I've tried that and it didn't work.

I have a static number in the cells of colum A. If colum B has a date,
then the number in colum A turns blue. Now I want to add all of the
blue numbers at the bottom of colum A. I've tried SUMIF, using the
same criteria as the conditional formating, and I got an error. Any
other ideas?
If you have CF, what is the condition?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
My CF condition is:

Formula is =I13>=1

So if this is met, then F13 will turn blue. Now at the bottom of F I
want to sum all cells that have met the condition. Does that make
I think so, just use


adjust the range I13:AI13 to the range with the values.
I'm sorry for being so confused on this one.

When I use that formula I get the sum of the colum with the dates i
it, not the sum of the static values.

To break it down:

Colum F = static value
Colum I= date

Only some of Colum I have a date in them, so therefore only some o
Colum F are blue. At the bottom of colum F I want to total the blu

I appreciate all the help you've been giving me on this one