I am trying to creating a cross tab report with price and quantity.
Both price and quantity are read directly from the database. And I can show
the extended price on the report by adding a textbox called txtExtPrice
with the control source as "=[txtQuantity]*[txtPrice]".
But I cannot sum the extended price in the footer as "=sum([txtExtPrice])"
or as "=sum([txtQuantity]*[txtPrice])"
How do I create an aggregate of a computed value on a report?
Both price and quantity are read directly from the database. And I can show
the extended price on the report by adding a textbox called txtExtPrice
with the control source as "=[txtQuantity]*[txtPrice]".
But I cannot sum the extended price in the footer as "=sum([txtExtPrice])"
or as "=sum([txtQuantity]*[txtPrice])"
How do I create an aggregate of a computed value on a report?