Hello Susan,
You wrote on Sat, 16 Aug 2003 12:39:50 -0400:
IMO it is a POV page - it's not "ACF Posting Guidelines". The aim is to
present information about *what* information people like to see and
*why* that information is useful to them. Whether or not people follow
the advice should surely be up to them. The goal is to inform, not
Oh, I agree totally, however, I would add that the goal is to inform and provide
guidance. While one ACF user should never command another (this is a good
thing), there are ways to entice posters into group conformance even in an
unmoderated group. Afterall, what's the point of providing this information if
it is simply ignored? Before someone flames me for this statement, let me add I
have never been one to agree with what should and shouldn't be posted in an
unmoderated group. IMO, you should be able to post anything of benefit to the
group so long as there is a subject indicator. This is not a restriction being
placed on anyone, it's just good netiquette for those of us on volume internet
plans (i.e.. pay for downloads per MB), and for those who wish to simply filter
what we want to see/download.
The advantage of the post snippets is that it's quite clear that each
piece of advice is one person's POV. The snippets achieve my immediate
goal -> make the information available.
I agree presenting the advice in a more compact - straight to the point
- format is a good idea.
IMO the way to achieve that goal is this: create a new version of "What
Makes a Good Post?" and post it for review and comment by the newsgroup.
I will be delighted if you or someone else does that. When the summary
has been *blessed* with a consensus I will put it on the web page in
place of the advice snippets.
I think there needs to be a few more hundred snippets before we could even begin
to think about anything like a consensus. Also, I note none of the posts with
filter suggestions seem to have made it to that page yet. Do you intend
including them or is that page just for advice on what makes a good post to the
PWL? IMO it's probably better that way as the ACF FAQs (both) should contain a
page on What makes a good ACF post (filters and all), not that PWL page.
For my part, I would like to see *all* filters placed within [...] simply
because it is then easier to identify and highlight a filter this way and
brackets are not normally part of everyday conversational writing so the chances
of a filter mis-match is significantly reduced. As to the filters themselves, I prefer:
[UPDATE] program : Program update (REMbranded's idea)
[OT] : Off-Topic
[OT?] : Possibly Off-Topic
[SPAM] : Spam / Spam reply
[FAQ] : ACF FAQ / Update (all versions)
[STATS] : Group Posting Statistics
[TROLL] : Says it all
[REQ] : Program required
[PWL] : Pricelessware List Update
[SFL] : Simtel Freeware List Update
[FWT] : FreewareWorld Team List Update
[SOS] : Son Of Spy List Update
[LTF] : Links To Freeware Update
I'm sure there are others, but these just come readily to mind.
As for a PWL post, IMO it should contain information in such a way as to make
the PWL updaters job easier and as fast as possible in that it should be just a
simple matter of cut and paste. Things I would like to see in a PWL post are:
SPECREQS: (Min RAM, addnl DLL's, etc.)