Summarizing In Reports



I am having a slight problem. My report calculates an average value,
and reports that number in the footer of a group which we will call Lot
Group - let's call the field [AvgNumber]. I then have another group,
which we will call Product Group - what I would like to do is sum all
the average values calculated in the Lot Groups, and report that value
in the footer of the Product Group. Lot Group is a sub-group of
Product Group.

I know - sounds real simple, but I can't seem to get it. If I place a
text box with the control =Sum([AvgNumber]) in the footer of the
Product Group, I am prompted for a parameter when I run the report. So
then I tried the following =Sum(Avg([AvgNumber])), and I get and error
stating that aggregate function cannot be used here.

Any help would be appreciated.

Duane Hookom

I question the functionality of summing a group average however, you may
need to create a new average in the Lot group footer and name the text box
"txtLotAvgRunningSum". Set its Running Sum property to Over Group. Then add
a text box to the Product group footer with a control source of:


Thanks very much. You pointed me in the right direction, and I have
the report working.


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