I've got some data which looks a bit like this:
row_id user sick day sick period
1 A 02/01/2004 1
2 A 03/01/2004 1
3 A 30/01/2004 2
4 B 02/01/2004 1
5 B 01/02/2004 1
6 B 01/03/2004 1
I need a query, or set of queries to populate the sick
period column, which has been filled out manually here, so
I can summarise by user and number of sick periods. You
can see how the rules work; periods of sickness are
grouped together.
Anyone got any ideas ?
row_id user sick day sick period
1 A 02/01/2004 1
2 A 03/01/2004 1
3 A 30/01/2004 2
4 B 02/01/2004 1
5 B 01/02/2004 1
6 B 01/03/2004 1
I need a query, or set of queries to populate the sick
period column, which has been filled out manually here, so
I can summarise by user and number of sick periods. You
can see how the rules work; periods of sickness are
grouped together.
Anyone got any ideas ?