J Jeff Mackeny Jun 9, 2004 #1 I'm using the following Sum if formula '=SUMIF(D1,"on",MasterList!C4)', if D1 is not "on" it returns 0, how to I make it blank
I'm using the following Sum if formula '=SUMIF(D1,"on",MasterList!C4)', if D1 is not "on" it returns 0, how to I make it blank
J JulieD Jun 9, 2004 #2 Hi Jeff not sure why you're using a sumif formula i would do it this way =IF(D1="on",MasterList!C4,"") Cheers JulieD
Hi Jeff not sure why you're using a sumif formula i would do it this way =IF(D1="on",MasterList!C4,"") Cheers JulieD
J Jason Morin Jun 9, 2004 #3 You could custom format that cell to be: General;General;;@ HTH Jason Atlanta, GA
J Jeff Mackeny Jun 9, 2004 #4 Thanks it worked Julie, can I email you this workbook im working on, so you can help, suggest, modify etc.
Thanks it worked Julie, can I email you this workbook im working on, so you can help, suggest, modify etc.
J Jeff Mackeny Jun 9, 2004 #5 Julie, One more question, if I sum 2 blank cell it returns #VALUE!, I need to the sum the formula because it will trough time have numbers in it.
Julie, One more question, if I sum 2 blank cell it returns #VALUE!, I need to the sum the formula because it will trough time have numbers in it.
J Jeff Mackeny Jun 9, 2004 #6 Correction to my last question, its a blank cell but has a reference to another sheet, for example Feb K4 has =Jan!F4, Feb L4 has =Jan!I4, now Feb M4 has =J4+K4+L4, K4 and L4 is currently blank, M4 now returns #VALUE!
Correction to my last question, its a blank cell but has a reference to another sheet, for example Feb K4 has =Jan!F4, Feb L4 has =Jan!I4, now Feb M4 has =J4+K4+L4, K4 and L4 is currently blank, M4 now returns #VALUE!
J JulieD Jun 10, 2004 #7 Hi Jeff sorry went to bed - well, it was 3am feel free to email me the workbook direct and i'll have a look for you. Cheers JulieD
Hi Jeff sorry went to bed - well, it was 3am feel free to email me the workbook direct and i'll have a look for you. Cheers JulieD