I am trying to use SUMIF. In columncells a93:a117 I have names that are the
"range" In column p55
84 I have the Sum-range of values to be added. For
the criteria i used each name in a93:a117. So my first sumif says,
SUMIF(A$93:$117, A93, p$55
$84). All that seem sto be happening is that the
values in column P are just getting copied in order, with no attachment to
the range names and nu summation. What am I doing wrong? I even tried
putting the "criiteria" in quotes, so (A$93:$117, "Bob", p$55
$84). It
still does not work. can anyone help?
"range" In column p55

the criteria i used each name in a93:a117. So my first sumif says,
SUMIF(A$93:$117, A93, p$55

values in column P are just getting copied in order, with no attachment to
the range names and nu summation. What am I doing wrong? I even tried
putting the "criiteria" in quotes, so (A$93:$117, "Bob", p$55

still does not work. can anyone help?