Is there anyway I can summ an expression in a query?
For example... Here is my query:
SELECT [tblActuals].[master], [tblActuals].[wrkpkg], Sum
([total_hours])/(SELECT Wk_Hours FROM tblWeek_Hours WHERE
tblActuals.period_date = tblWeek_Hours.WE_Date) AS Equiv
FROM tblRptCAMVariance, tblActuals INNER JOIN
tblWeek_Hours ON [tblActuals].[period_date]=
WHERE ((([tblActuals].[master])=[tblRptCAMVariance]!
[Master]) And (([tblActuals].[wrkpkg])=[tblRptCAMVariance]!
GROUP BY [tblActuals].[master], [tblActuals].[wrkpkg],
[tblWeek_Hours].[Mo_Num], [tblWeek_Hours].[Wk_Num],
[tblActuals].[period_date], [tblActuals].[dept_chgd]
HAVING (((tblWeek_Hours.Mo_Num)=[Forms]![frmMain]!
[txtMoNum]) AND ((tblWeek_Hours.Wk_Num)=1));
I would like to SUM the Equiv field that is calculated for
each wrkpkg. Is there an easy way to do this or do I need
to create another query and reference this one?
For example... Here is my query:
SELECT [tblActuals].[master], [tblActuals].[wrkpkg], Sum
([total_hours])/(SELECT Wk_Hours FROM tblWeek_Hours WHERE
tblActuals.period_date = tblWeek_Hours.WE_Date) AS Equiv
FROM tblRptCAMVariance, tblActuals INNER JOIN
tblWeek_Hours ON [tblActuals].[period_date]=
WHERE ((([tblActuals].[master])=[tblRptCAMVariance]!
[Master]) And (([tblActuals].[wrkpkg])=[tblRptCAMVariance]!
GROUP BY [tblActuals].[master], [tblActuals].[wrkpkg],
[tblWeek_Hours].[Mo_Num], [tblWeek_Hours].[Wk_Num],
[tblActuals].[period_date], [tblActuals].[dept_chgd]
HAVING (((tblWeek_Hours.Mo_Num)=[Forms]![frmMain]!
[txtMoNum]) AND ((tblWeek_Hours.Wk_Num)=1));
I would like to SUM the Equiv field that is calculated for
each wrkpkg. Is there an easy way to do this or do I need
to create another query and reference this one?