J.W. Aldridge
in one row (a10:aa10), i have a name in one cell, then value in the
next, name in one cell, then value in the next...
Some of the names in the row are repeated. Based on a lookup value
(which will be one of the names), I want to:
search the row for the lookup value
add the value to the right each time the lookup value is found.
a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17
errors 10 correct 10 errors 10 correct 20
lookup value "errors", result 20
lookup value "correct", result 30
next, name in one cell, then value in the next...
Some of the names in the row are repeated. Based on a lookup value
(which will be one of the names), I want to:
search the row for the lookup value
add the value to the right each time the lookup value is found.
a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17
errors 10 correct 10 errors 10 correct 20
lookup value "errors", result 20
lookup value "correct", result 30