I've got a form containing locked database fields and then a field that
requires input to. I also then have a field next to that what multiplies
these others up. If I try to Sum the multiplier field in the footer of the
form I get an #error# message. I know I can some the 'fixed' database field,
but is there a way to sum the calculating field? For example:
Fixed Table Field 1 = [A]
Fixed Table Field 2 =
Variable Table Field 1 = [C]
Text Box 1 = [D] = [A]**[C]
I want to sum [D] within the form footer.
requires input to. I also then have a field next to that what multiplies
these others up. If I try to Sum the multiplier field in the footer of the
form I get an #error# message. I know I can some the 'fixed' database field,
but is there a way to sum the calculating field? For example:
Fixed Table Field 1 = [A]
Fixed Table Field 2 =
Variable Table Field 1 = [C]
Text Box 1 = [D] = [A]**[C]
I want to sum [D] within the form footer.