Rose Davis
=SUM(OFFSET('Actual 02'!$A$1,,,85,MATCH($B$1,'Actual 02'!$A$1:$L$1,0)))
Hello, have no idea what is going on. It appears it is adding many lines
together from the same month. What I need is a sheet that will add up to
and including a specified month only the given amounts in one cell. Both
sheets are alike.
a b c d e f
1 apr
2 jan feb mar apr may,
3 **I need c3 to include everything in c3 Jan-Apr and if
it were Nov. I would need c3 to include everything in 4
Jan - Nov.
Does this make any sense? I hope you are able to understand what I'm trying
to get across.
Thanks for your assistance.
Rose Davis
Hello, have no idea what is going on. It appears it is adding many lines
together from the same month. What I need is a sheet that will add up to
and including a specified month only the given amounts in one cell. Both
sheets are alike.
a b c d e f
1 apr
2 jan feb mar apr may,
3 **I need c3 to include everything in c3 Jan-Apr and if
it were Nov. I would need c3 to include everything in 4
Jan - Nov.
Does this make any sense? I hope you are able to understand what I'm trying
to get across.
Thanks for your assistance.
Rose Davis