Time is stored as portion (decimal) of day:
? #07:00# + #02:00# + #03:00# + #00:30#
Assuming you have a 24h preference, not a AM/PM preference, that does the
trick). You will still got problem if the sum exceed 24 hours, though. You
can try:
? 24*( #07:00# + #02:00# + #03:00# + #00:30# +#11:45#)
to get the result in hours and decimal or hours (0.25 hours = 15 minutes),
or use a format. Note that "nn" is for minutes, "mm" is already used for
? int(24*( #07:00# + #02:00# + #03:00# + #00:30# +#11:45#)) & ":" &
Format(#07:00# + #02:00# + #03:00# + #00:30# +#11:45#, "nn" )
But then, the result is a string, not a number.
Vanderghast, Access MVP