Sum of a Range (with a twist)



Is there a formula that allows me to sum the values in a variable Range,
whereby a fixed amount is subtracted from each value in the Range?

e.g. Column A contains the following data:

A1 Amount
A2 10
A3 -5

The value of cell B1 has to be subtracted from each value in the A
B1 contains 1.

So the expected value should be: 9 + (-6) = 3

Using the (array) formula
-{=SUM(OFFSET($A$2,0,0,COUNTA($A:$A)-1,1)-$B$1)} - produces the
unexpected answer -2! The non-array version produces a #VALUE error.

Nick Hebb

Your formula is basically of the format:
(A-X) + (B-X) + (C-X) + ... + (n-X),
where n is the # rows and X = the value in B1

This is equivalent to:
A + B + C + ... + n - nX

So the cell formula is:

Take the sum of column A, subtract from it the product of the count of
non-blank cells in column A times the value in B1. Note the -1 in
COUNT(A:A)-1 is to account for the header cell "Amount".

Nick Hebb

I don't know why, but my first post didn't come through. Try the same
as Toppers but account for the "Amount" header cell:


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