Hi .
I have a report that's based on a query .... it contains a field amount ...
I would like to have the overall sum of that amount showing up in the
footer - maybe just on the first page.
changing the query to have a sum([amount]) just shows up the value in that
field amount - so not a sum at all.
trying to use the expression builder for an unbound filed in the footer ends
up in #error showing up the that particular field.
doing a subquery calculating the sum of the records selected by the query
the report is based on works partially ... but only if I TYPE in the values
AGAIN for Min(invoiceNumber) and Max(invoiceNumber) (the same criteria as
for the query the main report is based on) ....
I am sure there must be a better way .... can't use it that way .... ;-) it
simply looks silly
please help
I have a report that's based on a query .... it contains a field amount ...
I would like to have the overall sum of that amount showing up in the
footer - maybe just on the first page.
changing the query to have a sum([amount]) just shows up the value in that
field amount - so not a sum at all.
trying to use the expression builder for an unbound filed in the footer ends
up in #error showing up the that particular field.
doing a subquery calculating the sum of the records selected by the query
the report is based on works partially ... but only if I TYPE in the values
AGAIN for Min(invoiceNumber) and Max(invoiceNumber) (the same criteria as
for the query the main report is based on) ....
I am sure there must be a better way .... can't use it that way .... ;-) it
simply looks silly
please help