Is there any reason why this formula wouldn't work?
It works for all values of sumw, sumo, sumf, but not for sumh.
sumw is the sum of all records in a table where a field = w
sumo is the sum of all records in a table whre a field = o
there is bound field on my report for h and its name is sumh, just as for w,
o, and f. I know that there is a value for h but the sum() doesn't capture
Does someone see something that I'm missing here?
It works for all values of sumw, sumo, sumf, but not for sumh.
sumw is the sum of all records in a table where a field = w
sumo is the sum of all records in a table whre a field = o
there is bound field on my report for h and its name is sumh, just as for w,
o, and f. I know that there is a value for h but the sum() doesn't capture
Does someone see something that I'm missing here?