Sum field in Form Footer

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I have a subform that has several fields on it. I would like the field
Total Cost, which is not a calculated field, to be summed in a unbound field
in the form footer. I can make this happen with no problem. However, as I
enter information into the
records, I have to move to a new record to have the Sum actually add
together all of the records. Do you have a quick way to have the summed
field in the footer, keep up with record entry without having to move to a
new record?

No. The total will not update until the record is saved.

It would theoretically be possible to set up an expression something like
this if it is really crucial:
=Nz(DSum("[Total Cost]", "MyTable", "(([MyForeignKey = " &
Nz([MyForeignKey],0) & ") AND ([MyPrimaryKey] <> " & Nz([MyPrimaryKey],0) &
")"),0) + Nz([Total Cost], 0)

A much more important question might be why the Total Cost is not a
calculated field. Unless you are intentionally under- or over-charging, that
sounds like a really bad idea.